Category: Nutrition

5 Ways to Use Caffeine for Maximum Performance

Whether you want to take a HIIT class to the next level or increase your stamina on a run, all walks of active...

Power Up on the Healthiest Dried Fruit

Wondering about the healthiest dried fruit, freeze dried fruit, and how to use more mixed dried fruit in your balanced diet? I’m answering...

How to Feed Your Family During a Kitchen Remodel

Inside: Get been-there advice on how to survive a major kitchen renovation–and feed your family during a kitchen remodel. Nearly 20 years ago, we...

Homestead Holiday • Kath Eats

I took Thomas on a Homestead holiday for his birthday last week. Here’s the recap of our one-night stay including a day at...

How to Navigate Decision Fatigue When Working Toward Your Fitness Goals

Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD We all make thousands of decisions every day, large...

What Is a Contrast Bath and What Are Its Benefits?

A contrast bath (or contrast water therapy) is a technical term for a hot bath, followed by a cold bath, followed by a...